Thursday, February 3, 2011

Girls love these...right?
I maybe unconventional,but then I do too! =D


Iam back to haunt you.....I never give up,you see....
So, I was talking about love in my previous blog...let me elaborate...Why do people make such a big issue out of this simple four-letter word? I see entire worlds revolving around it,I see people change because of it,there are those unfortunate  times when I have to put up with incessant cribbing about a lost love or ranting about a newfound lover(read:loser) just because I was trying to be a polite listener, I see huge facebook status updates which seem to be all about love(eerie n eeky for me....I hate such updates!! I could murder you if I had my way!)....When it comes to this abstract thing-I do not have a definition for it..I find myself completely isolated,having nothing to do with all of the shit the above.
If its all about love..then a honeymoon suite is the place to be in =)....I was made to live in this with my sister,but thats another story =P
I find the concept of 'couples holding hands' and walking down the street very trite.When I see a mushy and lovey-dovey couple sharing the same coconut from the 'narial-pani wala' across the street(using the same straw,ofcourse!),I cant help but laugh away to glory.In restaurants,I cant stop thinking to myself-"Cant the female partner feed herself? Why does the male consider her to be such a baby that he has to stuff in those spoonfuls of icecream into her mouth?"All the 'song-dedication' stalls at those useless fairs would be on fire if I had my way...I could make greeting-card shops run out of business..Sorry Archies Gallery,three words-I Hate You!...Teddy-bears are only meant for kids-not for girls studying in college..."Dear Taylor Swift-to hell with your fairytales and love anecdotes!"...Sigh!..I could go on...
No,Iam not a loser in love...nor have I gained anything out of it..Iam not a member of the Ram-Sena who blatantly assault lovers on the eve of valentines day(I do not want your 'pink chaddis' you see)..Iam not a frustrated 36 year old spinster,neither am I much of a feminist...I just have issues with the way love is projected in the world-especially our country,today..I hate to see how corny and commonplace it has been deemed by virtue of those people from the 'i want sincear and serious fraandsheep,please any open-minded girl be my fraand' school-of-thought and those who leave their mobile numbers on the walls of public toilets..The very idea of 'you complete me' does not get into my head..I dont understand how someone can get me the moon or the stars unless of course you are a certain Mr Richard Branson(Oh! but all that he can do is arrange a short trip for me on these celestial objects on his Virgin atlantic..Mr Malya are you listening?)...and yes"that red rose would look better on your grave,you Romeo wannabe!"...phew! There is no dearth of examples but you will certainly fall off your chair if I continue!
This is love too...awww
so cute! =)
There are so many places in the world where one gets to witness love-it comes in so many forms.When my dad gets that box of chocolate pastries for me,I see love in that small action,when my best friend calls me up at midnight just to say "duffer,I was simply missing you..waddup?",I see love in sister has the cutest dimples on planet earth-or so I believe and it is love when I ask her to give me the broadest smile possible just so that I can kiss her on her dimpled cheeks! Cuddling your pet is a mark of nothing but love,holding a new born's little finger and planting butterfly kisses on its cheek spells 'lurveeee'! Why do we limit this undefined beauty within the spectrum of Romeo-Juliet,Superman-Lois Lane,Edward-Bella, Heer-Ranjha(for the Indian touch) and Sashi Tharoor-Sunanda Pushkar(for the 'current-affairs' touch! all puns intended!)? Open your eyes-there is love all around-take for example the love triangle between India,Commonwealth and Suresh Kalmadi! Oh! bad example-but love is blind, you see! hahaaha!
I am aware of the question that has been on your mind for the past five minutes-"why is this freak of a girl giving us these love related lectures?Is she drunk?Has she been dumped?I bet she is....why cant she shut the hell up?@#$@#$"-hehe,thank you very much,but my sole intention was to free myself from the bondage of love (read:commitment) so that I can have a feast that comprises:Johnny Depp,Adam Levine,Robert Pattinson,Patrick Dempsey,John Abraham,Ranbir Kapoor,Gael Garcia Bernal,George Clooney...."oh does this list end? no.......drool!!" Thank you God for making this planet a much better place to live in!
Sumedha =)

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